Episode 10

December 22, 2020


#10 | Proverbs 18:7 | Power and Significance of Speech

#10 | Proverbs 18:7 | Power and Significance of Speech
Random Bible Proverb
#10 | Proverbs 18:7 | Power and Significance of Speech

Dec 22 2020 | 00:15:37


Show Notes

Scripture: Proverbs 18:7 "A fool’s mouth is his ruin, and his lips are a snare to his soul." 

Synopsis: A person’s speech has an enormous influence for good or ill and is a sure guide to character. 

Topic | Theme: Power and significance of speech 

  1. 1. The impact of speech 
    • 1 (i). It has the power of life and death | Proverbs 18:21 
    • 1 (ii). It can bring ruin or joy to the speaker | Proverbs 12:13–14 
    • 1 (iii). It can destroy others | Proverbs 11:9 
    • 1 (iv). It can bring life to others | Proverbs 10:11 
  2. The timing of speech 
    • 2 (i). There is an appropriate time for speaking | Ecclesiastes 3:1–8 
    • 2 (ii). There is an appropriate time for silence | Proverbs 11:12–13 
  3. Spoken witness produces faith | Romans 10:17 
  4. Jesus Christ was silent before his accusers | 1 Peter 2:22–23 
  5. Speech is an expression of a person’s character | Matthew 12:34–37 

Blog Post: https://randombibleproverb.com/proverbs-18_7-power-and-significance-of-speech/ 


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